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Not OC this one:



iGod said...

nice post

Havuelete said...

the fucking gun is under my pillow, lol

HillDog said...

The troll one was the best. The non-OC was a close second. These, as always are spectacularly lulz-worthy.

Anonymous said...

The last one really made me laugh hahaha!

Eric P said...

hahaha those are so good.

secretpctips said...

these are awesome! do you make them?

Anonymous said...

This has to be one of the best blogs I have come across in a long time - Will be a regular visitor!

RochelleLorraine said...

I lol'ed!

Anonymous said...

I love the first one!

!sense! said...

I lol'ed at the last one. hahaha

jopjopjop said...

thahaha so funny thanks for sharing

Krumpel said...

hah amazing

Raini said...

I Love the comics
