Find your Stare Dad Comics meme here! Comedy daily, Fun Daily! Upload also your Stare Dad (Staredad) comics here. Stare Dad are 4chan comics.

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Upload Comics

You can upload here Stare Dad Comics that either you find or that you make (templates available at the bottom). But there are some rules, please note:

  1. Maximum size 700kb
  2. Only Stare Dad comics allowed.
  3. They can not contain illegal content in any way.
  4. Have a decent size (Not to small nor High Resolution unless thats the joke)
  5. They will be uploaded when I upload them.
  6. They may have a watermark IF you made them and IF the watermark isn't to visible.
  7. If you didn't make it I will give credits if you give your info when I post the comic.
  8. You may upload anonymously, just enter the pic and leave the rest blank.

Upload Area:


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