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As the French Say: Bon Apet-


Teutorix said...

omg is that a sni-

Eric P said...

hahaha oh my god, I laughed out loud at the second one. That is BRILLIANT! Love this.

Every Day said...

oh that second one LOL, took a while for me to see his mouth LOL.

EmoGoth said...

Nice. I almost missed the bit of poo on his chin.

Rabidmoose said...

I love the sniper one.

Big Unicorn said...

What is this.. I don't even...


Followed and Supported.

skinned sheep said...

haha thats funy. ate his shit.

Bassislv said...

lol, the first one is the best

Unknown said...


Erika said...

That second one XD

SPojs said...

The funny thing about the second one hit me a bit late, still funny nonethless

Unknown said...

hahahaha oh wow

jopjopjop said...

damn sniper!

Lenny said...

nice one :D

Tony Van Helsing said...

Like the sniping sound effect.
