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Moar random... Today I'll get you some fresh OC.


level85nerd said...

Haha @ the last one!
my latest reviews & gaming news
good oc!

Jesse Brooks said...

Hahah, the first one was the best!

HurdyG said...

That IS what she said! :D

Justin testing said...

Lol, love me some good staredad. Refreshing to see some OC!

Erika said...


thanks for providing me with my daily lulz ^_^

Unknown said...

the last one is the best :)

Generic said...

Too good! Loved the first one! ;]

Raini said...

this is good

Rob said...

hahahaha I love this comic

Chris WJ Charlton said...

This is hilarious!!!

Check my site for some gaming news and general boredness:

Chris said...

Lol, I friggin love stare dad. Following!

Altenfrost said...

rotfl :DDD

ads said...

Hahahaha too funny! Great!

Rabidmoose said...

I love the last one.

skinned sheep said...

hehehehheeh good one!

Christophe said...

The first one was funny. The second one had me lol'ing. I love 'That's what she said' jokes.

Tony Van Helsing said...

Stare Dad, where have you been?

chronometer said...

very nice lol
