Find your Stare Dad Comics meme here! Comedy daily, Fun Daily! Upload also your Stare Dad (Staredad) comics here. Stare Dad are 4chan comics.

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Upload Section is now functional!

So seeing as so many people enjoy Stare Dad Comics and the blog is of all those that love these comics as I do you can now upload your own comics (and make some pub to your blogs/sites hah) to!

The rules of the Upload function are on the page it self. Anyway this doesn't mean that I will no longer do comics: I will keep doing my lousy comics as long as I have the time :). And the days that I have less time instead of uploading random comics I will upload those that were sent. Here is a screenshot:


Classic George said...

Cool, all have to sit down and do some up

Every Day said...

How do I view stuff other people uploaded?

Unknown said...

This is a great idea!

Unknown said...

that is quite cool

Pappa Püllï said...

Cheers, will be making some soon!

Electric Addict said...

nice that is awesome!
