Find your Stare Dad Comics meme here! Comedy daily, Fun Daily! Upload also your Stare Dad (Staredad) comics here. Stare Dad are 4chan comics.

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Please support and buy my T-Shirt

Here is the Stare Dad Comics for today:

Also please support and buy my Stare Dad T-Shirt only at 0.99€!

21 comments: said...

sweet shirt man! I might buy one for my buddys birthday.

123 said...

................. >:[

CandleintheDark said...

son of tits!

Jay said...

lol, dat shirt!

EmoGoth said...

Blasted Hogwarts!

Electric Addict said...

lol I knew something was up!

Anonymous said...

I lol at your comics

The Game Store Guy said...

That one was hilarious! Also, nice shirt.

Unknown said...

i might actually buy one

Patti D. said...

very funny, and great idea, getting a t-shirt.

troy said...

too much, how about a 'staredad gets dosed' episode...

BTN Hip Hop said...

honestly buying one, so sick

Kevings said...

I agree with Troy :X

Brandon Sample said...

I dont get it.

SOMS said...

Loving your comics!

Choms1337 said...

OMG I love comic with DAD :D Followed :P

D22 Zone said...

Your work on this blog is great! keep it up!

DocStout said...

Nice shirt, the decision to make Staredad's image go over the left sleeve a bit was a good call.

Trelin said...

You see, when a toad pees on a hog you get hogwarts. That's how it works.

Unknown said...

Nice shirt design (;

Unknown said...

i want free t
