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One OC and Two random Stare Dad Comics!

Only the first one is the oc:



Captcha9000 said...

lol The transformers one is the best

MTensor said...

Dunno Captcha, I really like the LSD one. Lol. Didn't see it coming.

Anonymous said...

I love stare dad

level85nerd said...

hahahaha at optimus :D

Generic said...

this is awesome!!! do you make them yourself???

Christophe said...

These don't make me LOL, but they give me a warm feeling of contentment, like something is just the right amount of funny. The last two are great.

Unknown said...

lol more stare dad!

ebm93 said...

Haha this is so funny. Keep it coming!

Toby B said...

this was an exquisite selection :D

Trelin said...

Slight guffaw, no lols, but still good. Dragons in the kitchen!

Come At Me Bro said...

I love these!

Zakk said...

I really like your blog, I'll be following!

Raini said...

Love the comics

Civic Soma said...

I love stare dad comics so much!

Civic Soma said...

Some are just awesome, just awesome.
never thought that the same panel could be so different in the humor... :)
