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Fresh OC: Anyone seen Braveheart?


Unknown said...

Haha Love it! FREEEDOMMM!

D22 Zone said...

Haha love this episode! keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

lol @ the braveheart one saw the movie on the weekend :P

Malkavian said...


don't really get that one.

I guess to each their own!

rinns said...

How do you keep this up! I find it hard to think about what to write each day; let alone be funny.

<3 your blog TO DEATH

Tony Van Helsing said...

They can take your penis, but they cannot take your FREEDOM!

Meghan Moran said...

The face paint got me. good one!

Viljami said...

hahah. so funny

fabio_2007 said...

haha, very funny

Unknown said...

I love stare dad comics. Your blog is awesome :)

Trelin said...

No penis and no brains. That kid's got it bad.

Chris said...

I love stare dad!

ExoticBlogger said...

haha cool comic

Rabidmoose said...

I love the Braveheart stripe on him!

skinned sheep said...

hahahah do you make these!

Every Day said...

Love it. THese are great!

Erika said...


Anonymous said...

I loved it! Please post more.

HurdyG said...

Ha! The first one is pretty much me and my dad...

Chris WJ Charlton said...

Just like my real Dad :(

chronometer said...

keep them coming!
