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Tomorrow is a special day! Not for Stare Dad:

Tomorrow don't forget: It's FATHER's DAY!!! So don't forget (if you still have one or if he isn't disapointed in you like Stare Dad). 

Edit: I suspected that father's day would be in difrent days in many cultures (some in March 19th, and so on)

Anyway in my country it's March 19th. Why I posted about that? Because I here by declare that tomorrow is Father's Day. Because like christmas, Father's day is everyday when we want to. Don't agree? LOOK AT HIS FACE. LOOK!!! HE IS DISAPOINT IN YOU.

I'm going to sleep now, I gotta wake up in 5 hours to go to work. I work with motherfukin trains. 4th generation railworker.

That will be all.
Thank you.


Unknown said...

i will call my dad tough its no fathers day in germany yet

jopjopjop said...

awesome like always

Christophe said...

You had me freaking out for a second. Father's Day isn't until June here in the states, but I had forgotten that. Got scared.

Chris said...

Oh shit!! Thanks for reminding me (srs)

Zippy said...

Father's day is tomorrow? I think you're a bit off. Unless there's a different date for father's day in various countries. said...

Oh man you scared me for a second!

Not in America haha!

Eric P said...

Haha that's so funny. No son huh? Without the son there would be no Stare Dad!

The Game Store Guy said...

That was strangely hilarious.

fabio_2007 said...

here in portugal it is on 19th

Tony Van Helsing said...

Fathers Day is whenever Stare Dad wants it to be.

Erika said...

hahahaha I love it!

Freddy said...

really funny
