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Happy Women's Day! Except for Gaga. Is she a woman?


Daniel Andrade said...

hahah this is awesome :D

Electric Addict said...

haha i always get a good laugh out of these

Christophe said...

Funny as always. To the panic room!

rinns said...

You're awesome and you should FEEL awesome

Epicycle said...

Lol keep em coming man :)

Innovations said...

oh staredad you so crazy!

Meghan Moran said...

haha "to the panic room!"

Brawno604 said...

Great XD

jopjopjop said...

lold as always

Diorf said...

The last one was great!

Savage Nugget said...

To the panic room, nice! :D

rndmg123 said...

haha, gaga is one scary lady.

Crose said...

To the panic room!

skinned sheep said...

neat blog!


Generic said...

lady gagas a man xD

Mr. Christopher said...

HAHAHA, Oh god. You never fail to make me laugh!

Jesse Brooks said...

Awesome stuff!

Mostly Irrelephant said...

Womens day... also known as "Dragon Fest" in some parts of the world ;)
