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Some fresh OC for today!


rinns said...

"tell her to clean the blood"


Jesse Brooks said...

Haha great OC my friend!

Christophe said...

Second one was funny. First was kind of strange.

Trelin said...

Stare dad is an ass.

Diorf said...

Funny stuff!

Unknown said...

moar :)

Daniel Andrade said...

HAHAHA nice :D

jopjopjop said...

"tell her to clean the blood." ololol

Anonymous said...

how do you come up with all these? good work man!

rndmg123 said...

tell her to make me a sammich too!

ebm93 said...

Haha, I liked the last one the most.

Crose said...

so creepy

Savage Nugget said...

love me some staredad. :D

Generic said...

Too good! Thanks for the laugh!

Josh said...

Dad means business.

HurdyG said...

These things are so funny!
