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I became ant is now a meme.

First of all, sorry for not posting yesterday, I took my dad to the hospital to the emergency but it's everthing fine now. Anyway I got out at 8am and arrived at 1am (of today). Well so I created some comics anyway. Here ya go!


Classic George said...

Once again, Great stuff

Meghan Moran said...

Best wishes to your pops.

Erika said...

So fucking what? I became ant last night.

HurdyG said...

Pot: It'll make you believe your family and friends are ants...

-inastateofblue said...

Hope your dad is oka :/
And LOL at the last one ahaha, keep it up!

Elememental said...

Hehe! good one :D

Mew said...

Funny comics. =)

Mur said...

:D damn great stuff

Anonymous said...

LOL @ the Allah one

chronometer said...

I lol'd, very good stuff.

ads said...

I gotta quit pot too xD

Chris said...

Praise be allah!

Rabidmoose said...

Hilarious as always.

Moobeat said...

never really liked these that musch..

elexerdelex said...

lol'd at the second one xD

Lenny said...

niec blog :)

Trelin said...

I read and I became ant.

Toto said...

love you ccomics!

skinned sheep said...

do you have a good relationship with your father

Anonymous said...

These are funny. Keep up the good work.

Bassislv said...

lol, cool comic

Christophe said...

Hope your dad'll be okay. Good stuff as always.

Chris WJ Charlton said...

That first one made me bust a nut

Jesse Brooks said...

Great stuff.

rinns said...

I can't say it enough: I LOVE coming here! :D
