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One month. And some NOT OC.

So today my Stare Dad Comics Blog makes one month of living.

So... Thank you. I have nearly 8000 views, 100> followers, people from all over the world have seen this blog, and a BIG special thanks to those who follow me and comment. Really.

When I started blogging I didn't know what to wait for... And in the first days I had about 10/20 views. Now days I receive about 300~ views daily and it's great! Anyway, this is not even half... The greatest thing I found here were other bloggers, some of them with GREAT blogs and that they turn out to be great people. So: Thank you man/woman for blogging and watching my blog.

Resuming, thanks to:

  • All of my followers.
  • All of my viewers.
  • All of those that had a laugh.
  • All of those that said: This is not funny. I'm going to finger my ass naw, ktxhbai.
And also to the owner of the blog Mac and I (evill33t) because of the Javascript script (lol redundancy) that makes viewing images a lot more nicer. (Try to enlarge the pics, and you will see what I'm talking about.)

So anywayz.... Keep blooging/following cuz I'm lovin' it! (Not associated with fattening fast food chains).

Naw for some Stare Dad!


Tony Van Helsing said...

James Woods should be handled by only the toppest men.

Christophe said...

I didn't get the first one. Liked the second one!

rinns said...

Well I hope you're really enjoying it, because I really enjoy your blog :)

Electric Addict said...

lol always putting a smile on my face.

the image script is really useful (from mac and I) but it turned my banner into a blowup picture as well which is why I don't use it :/

much better suited for your blog though, it's a really nice effect!

Trelin said...

Different Strokes reference, nice.

l33 v4n cl33f said...

stay posting, the photoshop one was hilarious

Cree said...

congrats :D not OC eh? well i've never seen these ones but they all made me lol, keep em comin.

HurdyG said...

What you talkin' about Willis?


skinned sheep said...

i love you too dude!

ill always support!

Patti D. said...

Congratulations!! nice comics btw.

Erika said...

Ahh I wouldn't say these have been your best. Still cracked a smile though XP

Chris WJ Charlton said...

Haha that photoshop one was killer!

Selfishly said...

Congratulations! These are too funny.

Unknown said...

thanks for linking me
