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Post for today! Maybe later another one.

One OC and other random stare dad i found, first the random one:


StuffGuy7 said...

Pretty good ones, thanks for the post.
If you get a chance take a look at my blog
Rawbhal's Interwebular Emporium

rinns said...

I love coming to your blog to see your OC. It's a rarity, and I appreciate the time and effort you put in it n__n

Christophe said...

Keep 'em coming, dude. I love these. Just the right amount of lulz

llllollllll said...

hah rofl

Trelin said...

The waldo one was pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

the first is very good.

Mike Yang said...

Eh... Beats RageComics :)

Moobeat said...

lol these are so random

ebm93 said...

Haha! What a dad

MTensor said...

The second one was kinda messed up. o_o First one was good though.

Lendo Khar said...

I loved the first one.
