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Who wants mousse?? Enjoy!


Christophe said...

First one was kinda funny, second one was really gross.


Trelin said...

How's a plate going to help get poop out of his ass?

rinns said...

Omg I was afraid of the dark when I was younger and my dad did pretty much the exact same thing TT^TT

Unknown said...


HurdyG said...

Pfff... Monsters under bed?

That ain't real.... The closet on the other hand....

skinned sheep said...

hahahaha i liked the second one.

Daniel Andrade said...

hehe hilarious

Evan said...

Hahaha these are really funny. Ive never seen or heard of them before.

Jessica Thompson said...

Haha that first one is great!

Anonymous said...


Rabidmoose said...

Man his stare is so creepy.

rndmg123 said...

there really isnt monsters under beds right guys? right?

jopjopjop said...

love it
