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So... When you see the dates of the world ending what date do you see?

And a comic made by an user:

Thank you CharlotteN

Stare dad comics staredad comics stare dad images wake up comics morning comics daily laugh 4chan comics daily comic stare dad daily comic


Erika said...


It's just the face. Gets me everytime XD

consuela bananahammoc said...


Jay said...

lol wut?

Alphabeta said...

Staredad is one nasty father.

SOMS said...

Hahaha, 2012 we all die!

Wink said...

Thanks for brightnening up my day :D

jopjopjop said...

the first one is epic :D

Patti D. said...

He is such a badass

Unknown said...

Haha :)

Meghan Moran said...

so 2012 is a self fulfilling prophecy

lol said...

Hahaha, I love these comics! I don't know why, but they are oddly hilarious.

SportsGuyBrandon said...

LOL'D @ Get the soap. lmao.

123 said...

pretty much sums up both of these ;_;

but that's not really a bad thing

DocStout said...

You can definitely tell the originals from the fan-creations. Comic timing using the same panels is tough to master.

Trelin said...

First one is awesomely-trollific.

Toto said...

whahahahah! amazing!

mburg23 said...

should do some in other languages

D22 Zone said...

haha love the post! Really funny! :D

EmoGoth said...

I am really dense. I don't get either of these comics.
