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Stare Dad you a f-cking dick.

Stare dad comics staredad comics stare dad images wake up comics morning comics daily laugh 4chan comics daily comic stare dad daily comic


Fix PC Games Admin said...

:D dad:2 son:0 well tomorrow you know the score

Marian said...

haha these are really funny. followed.

Jay said...


lol, stare dad is such a dick!

rinns said...

Hahah awesome!

Anonymous said...

Stare dad just likes owning his son lol

Anonymous said...

Nice! A blog for ONLY staredad comics! Very cool. Following <3

ExoticBlogger said...

haha good stuff, keep them coming!

PryON said...

Ah, Staredad you old messer.

Mr Bouchard said...

Best comics in a while! Hahaha

Wayward Disposition said...

hashahahahaha, the first one was hilarious.

MuteMath Fan said...

Hahah what in the world!

Malkavian said...

Stare dad rocks and now hes a dick also which makes him OK in my book

Eric P said...

hahaha 2-nil to Stare Dad. What a badass he is. I hope he uses that bus next time...just bad luck this time.

Taylor said...

Stare dad totally reminds me of my dad

Tuneroll said...

Stare dad makes me laugh!

pezasied said...

lol awesome once again, i cant get enough of these

Unknown said...

poor kid :P

-inastateofblue said...

LOL'd way too hard on the first one. Thanks XD

Vague Raconteur said...

A father's humour is both cruel and oddly entertaining. Following!

123 said...

you just hit her at the wrong angle, staredad, it's okay

Trelin said...

Did he take a bus to the alpes?

DerpFiles said...

I'd ski with staredad any day.

pixel said...

haha so weird1

GoGoGoViral said...

Love these, followed for more!

Alphabeta said...

Another two great SD comics.
Thanks for the giggles!

Wink said...

The son accidentaly a ticket to the Alpes?

DocStout said...

Stare Dad in costumes... heh. Way to change it up a bit.
