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Get some fire mudafuka.

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Erika said...

This.... would... terrify....

the living crap out of me 0_0

G said...

encrypted file system all the way...ok it won't save you but it might buy you time

T. Roger Thomas said...

Destroy all hard drives with your ready to go bomb chamber followed by dipping the remaining fragments in an acid bath.

Find out the FBI agent just wanted to check his emails.

Jay said...

ahaha, we can all relate to this. :D

cool_cicler said...

That is my greatest fear, having the feds by the door one quite night... brr

123 said...

indeed it did

Tony Van Helsing said...

Set fire to it!

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

trustNjesus, bro...
and you'll be
Upstairs soon.
