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Classic one today hah.

Today I am going to post only one O.C made by me, and I'm going to upload a comic by a follower. I will only post one O.C. because it took me some time doing it... Hope it's worth it :).

My creation

 This last one was made by the owner of this blog:

Thanks Classic George!


Unknown said...

:D great as always
exp the first one

Mur said...

first one is awesome :D

Bubi said...

haha LOL

Classic George said...

Thanks for posting, For those who don't know the comic refers to a Guns and roses song called "I used to lover her"

Every Day said...

Lol in soviet russia.

Lenny said...

nice :)

jopjopjop said...


Chris WJ Charlton said...

I just thought you were psycho, George!

Erika said...

I like the first one better XD

SPojs said...

First one is pretty funny, second one is rather odd!

Cree said...

the one you made was hilarious!

Trelin said...

Soviet Russia meme, nice. Is the 2nd one a reference/quote from a poem or something?

Christophe said...

First is epic in so many ways.

Second... not so much.


Anonymous said...

In Soviet Russia, blog comments on you!

Meghan Moran said...

haha good job the both of ya.

PryON said...


Bassislv said...

lol'd at the first one

Bassislv said...

congrats bro!

EmoGoth said...

Sweet jesus, the second one is just harsh. The first one is aces, though.

Rabidmoose said...

Perfect Soviet Russia turnaround.

skinned sheep said...

you should make one where no one says anything until the last picture the dad says shut up.

consuela bananahammoc said...

Good one!
Got yourself a new follower! :)

Football Maniac said...

I liked the first one :)

PryON said...

I wish the Dad in these comics was my Dad.
My Dad was cool and all and very loving and warm and encouraging. I just wish he'd have STARED a bit more, you know?

Also nice G'n'fn'R reference that's pretty funny.

Brawno604 said...

The first one is awesome!

Gajewa469 said...

Also lol'd at the first one. That was great.
