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I actualy lol'd at one of these when I made it.

Music Video :)


gampura-make said...

hahaha, funny stuff here!
Following you :)

EmoGoth said...

It's funny because the dad touches the boy in an inappropriate way.

123 said...

Oh god I used/still do love that song so much ;_;

Anonymous said...

Random but funny. said...

Everything he sees is just blue. Im blue im a d ima die

consuela bananahammoc said...

Haha! Nice one! :)

Teukka said...

HAHAHAAH cant stop laughing! :) im so following this shit

Lenny said...

funny stuff :)

Rabidmoose said...

Great I have that song stuck in my head now.

Anonymous said...

you speak spanish?

Unknown said...

tee hee

-inastateofblue said...

LOL love that last one. So much nostalgia ;D

D22 Zone said...

Awesome blog man! Keep up the good work! It will pay off!

Tony Van Helsing said...

I thouht Stare Dad would like to watch but not touch.

Unknown said...

hahahaha oh wow
great ones :3

TheHarvester said...

LOL wow. i dont think the staredad meme will ever get old

skinned sheep said...

haha that was pretty funny :p

Erika said...

omg that first one made me pee a lil in my panties, was so freakin' funny....

that second one has just made me re-evaulate my life....
