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Quickie Stare Dad Comic

As I have been ocuppied with some programming (see the last post) I made a quick comic. Planning on making a Tic Tac Toe Stare Dad game where visitors can play against each other in the browser. Would you like that?

Opinions are always welcome :)


Classic George said...

George, that's me and this is not a dream

Jay said...

if you wake uo now dad, you'll only end up in limbo.


Anonymous said...

It made me chuckle a little.

fabio_2007 said...

haha, funny

Trelin said...

I didn't know George was a girl's name... hehe

Altenfrost said...

Looool, hahah

Anonymous said...

Why would a girl's name be George?

Every Day said...

Yes pleas. amusing comic as always.

Tony Van Helsing said...

Like the t-shirt clue.

noone said...

Geroge it's not a girls name and that's the joke.

Unknown said...

haha typical comic! nice!

Rabidmoose said...

Haha great!

Unknown said...

son i am dissapoint :3

btw i drop you a line tomorrow quite busy right now

consuela bananahammoc said...


SPojs said...

Yeah, I'd like that pingpong feature that you're talking about :)

Funny comic once again

The Game Store Guy said...

I'm not sure I get this one.
