Find your Stare Dad Comics meme here! Comedy daily, Fun Daily! Upload also your Stare Dad (Staredad) comics here. Stare Dad are 4chan comics.

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Stare Dad Comics - Ideas please? :)

Thank you all for visiting! So since the Blog/Site is growing I've been planing on doing something more about staredad besides the comics! So I've decided to learn AJAX, so I can make some nice games and other apps.

I've been very very busy this week, so I want to ask you guys ideas of what can I create besides comics about Stare Dad.

Meanwhile please like my official Facebook page at


cool_cicler said...

Great stared dad man. Will follow. Great work.

Generic said...

Liked! What is your button code so I can link back up to yours?

Jay said...

can't think of any at the moment as i very much enjoy your present work. :)

-inastateofblue said...

Hey, good luck with with your work! Will be looking forward to it (;

The Game Store Guy said...

I wish I had a good recommendation, but I suck at creating comics. So I will simply continue to follow and see what you might come up with. :) Hope you get some inspiration.

CandleintheDark said...

Smart idea making a facebook :)

Every Day said...

hmm flash animation?

Unknown said...

some FUUUUUU staredad crossover :3

SportsGuyBrandon said...

Do one where the Dad turns around and has a bear face. Wat.

Anonymous said...

Liked you on facebook.

Lemmiwinks said...

great post. following you

DocStout said...

Animations would be the next logical step, as I have a hard time imagining a "Stare Dad" game that would have good gameplay and still have any sort of connection to the comics.

Trelin said...

Make a staredad randomizer that puts random sqares from your previous comics together into a new one.

Electric Addict said...

nice fb. good on you to learn Ajax, you're web sites will highly benefit from this
