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Stare Dad Comics - No Rick Rolls this time :)

So yesterday was April Fool's and I blogged about a T-Shirt which is FAKE and the link was a Rick Roll'd video. Hope you guys didn't get mad :). 

 Anyway, tomorrow I will upload comics made by users seeing that I will take a one day trip with my girlfriend.

Now for the comics:



rinns said...

Don't sleep with pants on tonight- Ha!

Tony Van Helsing said...

Double whammy, and a convincing April Fool prank. You bastard.

Anonymous said...


Jay said...


123 said...

A true child molester would have no problem getting through pajamas. I'm disappointed, staredad.

Erika said...

Oh, that first one XD

-inastateofblue said...

Ahah yeah well now that makes sense. When I read the post yesterday, it still wasn't April 1st here so I was like wat. L2timezone (;

pezasied said...

Omg these are hilarious

jopjopjop said...

thaha the first one is awesome

Anonymous said...

Woah. That second one is kind of WTF.

Unknown said...

hahaha oh wow

Trelin said...

That shirt mockup looked pretty good. I didn't click it though so I didn't know it wasn't real till now. Too bad.

lol said...

Uhhhh hahha I'm not sure what I just read. But I liked it. Also, you got me on the rickroll yesterday. :(

DocStout said...

Great comics, and damned if you didn't get me yesterday, except I didn't click on the shirt so I missed the rickroll.

Rabidmoose said...

I love the second one, made me lol.

Eric P said...

Oh my god, don't sleep with pants! Hahahaha! Oh shit, mate.

TheHarvester said...

lol great punchline of the first one. honestly did not see that one coming

The Game Store Guy said...

I'm a little worried. Is that second one a rape reference?

Toto said...

haha very nice!

consuela bananahammoc said...

Haha! Poor boy :D

neo.enviro said...

These are amusing. I love the final frame of the dad.

T. Roger Thomas said...

Ha, that kid has cancer

Now following this great blog
